Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I have a habit of weighing myself daily. I have an app that I track it on but I only really record my weigh in on Mondays. While weighing myself this morning I noticed that I had gained 2 pounds. I was like what happened I didn't over or under eat. I didn't eat anything that I haven't ate before. I kept kicking myself for a weight gain instead of loss. But after talking to my PCA this afternoon. It was brought to my attention that I had a salty meal last night and maybe that has a lot to do with it. I also didn't get in my evening walk either as it was raining outside. I need to get my butt in gear and get in my exercise whether it is outside or inside I just need to get it done. So here I am trying to make myself feel better by telling myself that it happens and that I just need to keep on going. I just need to get it done and don't look back.

I also need to stop weighing myself every day. This is going to be a hard thing to do because I like knowing where I am at.

So today my 4 year old and I went to the library to pick up a few things that have come in. We also walked though Wal-mart even though I was only getting a few things that were all on the grocery side. We went to a book sale this morning also I was looking for books for myself and my husband well I found more for myself and none for my husband. I will go back tomorrow to see if I can find some for him. I walked to go get the mail as my son rode his bike I should have continued to go around the development but I didn't. I have a few other things that I had to get done before the end of everyone's work day.

So here I sit trying to find motivation to get things done. But at least my supper will be easy to make tonight. And with that said time to go make those said meatballs.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Aug 5

Last weekend I lost the battle of no fair food. I didn't over do it and with all the walking all days this weekend I did ok. I didn't have any weight loss but I didn't gain either. So we are back on track again. I hope that the rest of this month there wont be any temptations that will sway me to the junk food. I wasn't hungry most of the weekend I have to force feed myself to get something into me to keep up the energy.

Today I had some eggs and turkey bacon. Then took the dog and 4 year old for a walk around our development. Once home I made some protein bars, some skinny chunky monkey cookies, and an agave granola bars. I haven't tried any yet but know I have something to grab when I want something sweet. I have gotten all my water in already today. I think maybe later I will work with the weights that we bought this weekend so I can get in another work out today.

Now to get my laundry done and put away. I also need to get the cats litter boxes cleaned out and get the garbage out since tomorrow is garbage pick up.

So again it is one day at a time that I need to keep in mind and just keep looking forward.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The fair started this week and really there are 2 fairs that are going on that my family will go to. We also have another event going on which is Dragon boat races. So there is a lot to do this week/weekend. We have went to the fair that is in our county yesterday. I plan on going back to this fair this weekend for something to do and a new place to walk. Plus the boys get out of the house and get to see the animals. Now with that said I am happy to say I haven't eaten any fair food as of yesterday. But I also wasn't hungry at all yesterday and I am still not hungry today. I have had to force myself to eat. I have been drinking lots due to a reaction to a med that causes dry mouth. But I have had this problem with this med for a few weeks now so I don't think I am drinking more and not eating because of it.

Last night I didn't even think the food smells were good which I am all for fair food. But at least we got some walking in last night and will again tonight with going to a different fair tonight. I am enjoying having things to do during the week but kinda bummed that everything is happening this weekend and there won't be anything else going on for the rest of August. The boys and I will be bored for the rest of the summer unless I can think of things to do. With is getting a little cooler now swimming at the lake is out because the water will be getting colder. I'm glad to say that we will be trail walking more since it has great views. We will also be going to the state park and get some great pictures of the boys. Yep you guessed it I am starting on getting Christmas pictures done now instead of later when I will have more on my plate than I can keep up with.

I am happy that August is our slow month but bummed at the same time. But once September hits it will be school time for my 4 year old. He will be going to preschool 3 times a week for 2 1/2 hrs a day. I know he is excited to be going back to school. Every time we go into that building he is wanting to go see his teachers and for me to drop him off and leave him there.

My other son will have birth to 3 come out to work with him every week. I are also changing our place for OT and PT, and speech. I am glad to be moving to this other place as I am sick and tired of OT and PT people being late and messing up his schedule when he could have ate before they came but we wait for them to show up and then they are 1/2hr to 1hr late with no phone call at all.

On my journey to a new me I am please to say it has been going good. At times I wish I had more motivation and liked myself more but I know it is coming and I will get there in time. I am going to try and work in some different exercises than just going walking. I know I will get there just need to find my get up and go as it comes and goes really fast. But on he food side of things I have been making good choices and I am happy with the choices I have made.

Here is to making the right choices and staying the path to a healthier me and family.