Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

So the end of the day yesterday went better than I expected. We brought our kids to Run for Fun and my 4 year old who loved it last year and hasn't wanted to do it at all this year finally did it. He ran with daddy every race. I was very proud of him. Last night he didn't sleep very well. It seem like he kept getting charlie horses so he cried a lot last night.

Sleep for me last night wasn't all that great either with not a lot of sleep. It was my first day with my upped medication and I have a few more weeks till I get to my full dose. I am thinking about getting some Melatonin to try and see if that helps me any.

Yesterday I got on my Wii board and did about 20 mins with that. I am taking today off maybe but might go for a family walk later after supper we shall see.

Today has been a good day. Besides the 20 month old and his fits. Both boys are taking a nap and I will be getting them both up shortly so they can sleep tonight. I got a few things done and will try to get more done later. But for now I have no energy to do anything and that's just what I'm going to do. Maybe read a book outside when I get the boys up. Well I'm off for now to see what the rest of the day brings to me.

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