Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

I had some very busy days this weekend. On Friday my husband and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We stayed at home and just had a nice dinner and we had decided that we would have a really nice supper on Saturday or Sunday. With all the running I had to do on Friday I didn't get any exercising in.

Saturday we as a family went to pick strawberries. So that was my exercise for that day with all the bending over and moving up and down the rows of strawberries. We decide to go to our meat place and got some Ribs, steak, and some beef jerky. I have to say that calorie wise I didn't do so hot this day. But the ribs and the beef jerky were very yummy. We also went shopping so with all the store we were at and walking up and down the aisles I would have to say we walked a mile or more. But I got some good shoes for walking. I love them already. I also got some slip on tennis shoes that I have been looking for since I was pregnant with my 4 year old.

Sunday we headed to church then out shopping again to get the final things we have forgotten the 2 previous days. We had Subway for lunch and then we sat down and I promptly fell asleep. That night we had our steak and went for a walk afterwards. Glad we did so I didn't feel so bad for not doing anything all day.

Today I made my 4 year old and myself some eggs, turkey bacon, and toast for him. Then we went out for a walk. Then it was into town to drop off some movies and some paperwork for our water test for our foster care paperwork that needs to be done. Once we got home we had some play time and then we went to go get the mail. Lunch was left over subway and supper tonight will be pork with what I'm not sure of yet. I also got the whole house vacuumed and the litter boxes cleaned. I filled up the cats food they all came running when they heard me filling it up. I got the dishes put away and have started to do the laundry. I feel like I have accomplish something. I will wash floors later in the week. As for the rest of the day I think it will be a read a book or watch a movie till its time to make dinner.

Well that's all for now.

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