Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013

I got out for my walk last night felt good. Decided to not to take my bedtime pills till morning and got a good nights rest. By waiting to take my pills today I have gotten lots done. I have done 3 loads of laundry 2 of which are still on the line drying. I got both bathrooms cleaned. I dusted and still need to vacuum but that is after nap. I got my watermelon cut up and put away. I even emptied out the dish washer and since we are out of dish washer soap I did 2 sets of dishes and got both put away. I went for a longer walk with my 4 year old. And the best part I don't feel tired one bit. I also got the goats fed earlier so that was a good thing. Now to wait to start supper.

I'm starting to make better decisions on the things that I eat. I could have had a pop last night but decided to stick with ice tea. I satisfied my sweet/chocolate craving with some no bake cookies. I am enjoying some me time while it is nap time today. Its nice to be able to do what I want and find new things to do and cook. I'm almost finished with my book and can't wait to start the next one.

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