Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

The start has come and what a day it has been. I have fed goats for my in-laws went for a walk while my 4 year old biked. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm tired but trying to fight it off what ever way I can. I have also got 2 loads of laundry washed and hung out to dry only have 2 more loads to go if I decide not to wash my sheets today. My dog has been following me around all day and as usual she is by my side as I sit here on my computer. I hear Moo Moo eating to my right and Snuggles calling from her spot in the kitchen. The laughter of my 20 month old splashing his PCA puts a smile on my face. Its what is going on in this house hold day in and day out. Then you hear the 4 year old say he isn't to splash.

Back to the start of my week and the start of my journey to a better me. After not a lot of sleep I got up and took a shower and headed out to feed goats and put mail in the mail box. I'm late again with getting a card out. After my 20 min walk with my son I made a smoothie with strawberries, blueberries, OJ, and some protein powder. It made me full which is a great thing since  lunch is about a hour away.

Lunch today is a salad with some chicken, cheese, fresh tomato's, and some blue cheese dressing. I might add some croutons and almonds for a little crunch.

I'm excited to try my low fat pudding pops that I made the other day.

Supper will consist of grilled pork chops, potatoes, and green beans. Fruit for Dessert.

My goal for today is to not snack at 4pm when I am bored and the kids are sleeping. I will try to eat fruit for snack earlier in the day so I'm not eating so late and close to supper time. I also want to get in 8 to 10 cups of water to help me feel full.

Well the washer should be done shortly and then to hang it out to dry should be a good rest of the day. Going to try to get in a little work out once the boys take a nap.

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