Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get up and Go

I have found a part of my get up and go today. I had breakfast and thought that it would be a great day to go for a walk. Don't get me wrong I have been going for a walk everyday that equals about 1.44 miles but I really am sick of walking in our development every day sometimes twice a day. So once I got my 4 year old on board to go walk on a trail he was all for it. Even the dog was very happy to get to go for a walk. So we loaded up into the car with the stroller and some water and headed out to the Paul Bunyan Trail.

After about 40 mins my 4 year old asked if we could go home yet I told him no that we were not to the spot to turn around yet. Well by 54 mins in we found the turn around spot which is a bridge that is over the Mississippi River. We even saw a muskrat pulling a stick behind him to his den which my son was able to see the muskrat swim underwater to his den. Now that my son was out of the stroller he didn't want to turn around and go back he wanted to keep going but I knew I wasn't ready to go all the way around Lake Bemidji. So finally I convinced my son that we should go home so I can make lunch. Well needless to say the 4 year old loves food right now and really couldn't wait to get home to eat lunch. Well we had 54 mins to wait till we were back at the car. My son walked a little ways back and then decide it was better to ride in the stroller. I can't blame the kid he ran almost 2 miles at his activity yesterday and then walked almost a mile after we had supper last night.

I was lost in though while on the return trip I was thinking that I should do this more often but the next time I do it I kinda want to go alone with my Ipod to see if I can get my time down a little bit more. My 4 year old wanted to go back to the bridge and I told him another day we would go and if he wanted to he could bike but more than likely he will just ride it the stroller. About half way back my son started to ask me questions some of which I could answer and other well I made an answer up since it doesn't really matter where the dragon fly is going or what the butterfly is doing.

Once we were off the trail and loading up I was wondering how far I had went. I don't have a pedometer yet and there isn't mile markers on the trail. So I would have to wait till I got home to put it into my fitness tracker to see how far I went.

After entering it into my fitness tracker I found out I walked 4.83 miles in 1hr 53mins. I am very proud of myself and I feel better about myself also. I like being able to do something I didn't think I could do. I think it is time to write down some goals I have so I can see how far I have come and something to strive to. I don't want to loose my motivation. I am thinking about getting some weights so I can work out my upper half of my body and maybe get in some new exercises to change it up. I know I will get onto my Wii board tomorrow because I know I will feel better afterwards and I will get a lot of walking done at the Fair tomorrow. I might have to invest in a pedometer before I go there so I can track how far I go. I know with getting out side and getting the exercise I am ready for bed sooner and sleep better. I hope I can keep this up for as long as it takes to get to my final goal.

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