Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, 2013

I had to take another med last night to get rid of my head ache. I think it helped me sleep as I got a few hours of sleep last night. I still don't feel like I have had enough sleep and it shows.

Last night I was so scattered brained that I would start something then get distracted and think of something else to do and leave what I was doing. This caused a fight so to say between my husband and myself. He threw an empty 5 gal water bottle and broke the lid. When I went to pick it up I told him he broke it and he was like if you put it in the right spot which I did have it where it should go mind you just not how he liked it. So I told him he didn't have to throw it and could have calmly moved it. Then he was like just go take your bath and I will do everything else like I always do. I told him that I didn't want a bath and that with having no sleep I'm a little off and can't remember what I was doing because of lack of sleep. So to make sure he didn't have to do anything else last night I did everything while he sat in the office to go though paperwork. I'm just glad that I told him that he doesn't have to throw things just because he doesn't like where I put it.

So now onto the rest of the day up till now. I enjoyed my pudding pop it was yummy. I think I did well with the first day of the rest of my life. Today after getting a little sleep I made my 4 year old and myself some scrambled eggs we also had OJ and a banana. So far so good now to figure out what is for lunch and lay out some meet for supper. I think I will be able to use the oven since it isn't so hot outside today. Oh I also fed the goats which I am beginning to not like one of them. The in-laws have 3 goats and the one I don't like has horns and isn't neutered.

So today my 20 month old has a speech appt which I will drop him and his PCA off so I can run 3 other places to get a few things done that need to get done. Then to pick up the 20 month old and PCA then home and we are going to watch movies till it is nap time. I think I will break out my Wii balance board sometime today and get in my exercise that way since it is raining outside and I can't go for a walk. I am going to try not to take a nap today so I can get a few other things done in the office so I can finish the quilt I am making for my 4 year old and then I can start on another one for the 20 month old or I will make one for my bed.

Well time to get my butt in gear and get the kids loaded into the car. Have a great day all.

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