Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6, 2013

A little bit about me. I am an over weight 30 year old that is embarking on a lifestyle change to loose weight and keep it off. I have 2 kids 4 years old and 20 months old. My 4 year old is my rainbow baby after loosing a 5 month old in 2003. My husband and I are adopting the 20 month old. He is my husbands cousins baby. Our 20 month old is a medical needs child in which we have to travel to see all of the special doctors he needs. We hope to have this process done soon. More about my house hold I will be with my husband for 6 years and married for 5 this July. I have 3 cats Miss Kitty, Moo Moo, and Snuggles. I also have 1 dog Dazy. I will write about them a lot and also my 2 kids they are my world and I love them all lots.

I suffer from migraines and I am currently trying out my 3rd and 4th medication for them. I'm not so sure on the 3rd med at this time as it makes me tired and really moody. But I am giving it some time to see if it gets any better. As for the 4th med I haven't had to use it yet and really hope I don't have to that the 3rd med is doing what it is to be doing.

I have been over weight for most of my life even though I started out as a preemie at 4lbs 12oz. I have been teased and harassed by my school mates and family about my weight. I not only blame myself for my weight problems but also my parents for not showing me the right ways to eat.  A little side not on my parents they were divorced when I was 2 and my mom got remarried when I was 10. Also my dad died in 2008 a few months before I got married to my husband. I also am on my second marriage.

So back to my lifestyle change I want to show my kids a healthier lifestyle so they don't have the problems that I have. I also want to be able to play with them more than just watching them play because I am to tired to play because of the excess weight I have. I get tired fast and just can't give the boys the attention they needs.

I have seen some of my in-laws who are over weight have problems playing with the grand kids and all the health issues they have. I don't want to have that and I have come to the fact that if I don't change it now I will never change it. I am right now healthy at my weight but need to loose weight so I don't have problems in the future. So starting today I start the process and I hope to be thinner in the next year. So let the lifestyle change commence.

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